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Pulmonary embolism, also known as (PE) is very common and can also be potentially deadly. PE is not a condition but a complication of venous thrombosis which is the clot formation in a vein. PE occurs when a blood clot or thrombus blocks or lodges in the pulmonary artery. This obstructs blood flow to the lungs and causes hemodynamic changes there. PE is the third most common cause of cardiovascular death. About 400000 cases occur every and 100000 people die from it every year. It is also the leading cause of death in people living with cancer, pregnant and post-partum women.


The clots that cause PE originate from deep vein thrombosis, which is formed by venous stasis in the veins of the legs. However, some of the clots may originate from the pelvis, the renal system, or the heart but they are not common

  • Sedentary lifestyle and immobilization
  • Pregnancy
  • Surgery
  • Hypercoagulation states
  • Oral contraceptives and estrogen replacement
  • Cancer
  • Hereditary and genetic factors

Risk factors

Even though there are known causes of PE, some habits and medical conditions can predispose you to PE.

  • Immobilization
  • Traveling for 4 hours or more in the past month
  • Surgery
  • Cancer
  • Drug abuse
  • Current or past history of thrombophlebitis
  • Trauma to the lower extremities or pelvis in the past 3months
  • Smoking
  • Paralysis or people paralyzed by stroke

Signs and symptoms

PE doesn’t always show the usual chest pains and difficulty in breathing symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms can be nonspecific and this accounts for late diagnosis and an increase in mortality. Below are the symptoms and signs you may experience.

  • Chest pains
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fast breathing
  • Increase heart rate
  • Sudden collapse
  • Cough
  • Wheezing
  • Bloody sputum

There are so many investigations that can be done to diagnose PE. Some investigations are done to confirm diagnosis while others are done to rule out other conditions. The person will be required to do specific tests like CT angiography, pulmonary angiogram, or other non-specific or supporting ones like Electrocardiogram and Chest x-ray.

PE can either be treated with medications or surgery to remove the clot or prevent the formation of clots from obstructing the pulmonary artery.

PE is a complication, not a condition hence we have to prevent deep vein thrombosis by all means. The following are ways we can prevent deep vein thrombosis

  • Do not sit for long hours
  • Take occasional bathroom breaks after every two hours of sitting at your desk
  • Wear pressure stockings when traveling long distances
  • Add physical activity to your routine
  • Report any one or both-sided leg swellings to the hospital immediately
  • If you experience any symptoms of PE report to the hospital immediately

If you are in doubt about any symptom you are experiencing, kindly contact a qualified health professional on the Healthneutron platform for further management.

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