Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Our Focus Areas

Most developing countries are battling with a myriad of health conditions broadly categorized into communicable and non-communicable diseases. Economic challenges also causes a lot of stress which is a trigger for a lot of mental health issues but unfortunately is stigmatized in a lot of developing countries. Sadly, stress is also an underlying condition for hypertension. Again, a lot of people die through preventable motor accidents as well as safety issues at the workplace or at home. We are therefore poised to deal with disease prevention in the categorized areas below.

Preventive Care

We dedicate eighty percent (80%) of our resources to help prevent disease conditions which lead to early deaths. We want to do this in a convenient way so our target customers would not be burdened.

Focus Area

Communicable Diseases

These are diseases, also known as transmissible or infections disease are illnesses that results from infections. The most dangerous ones that affect people in sub-Saharan African countries, are incurable and causes early deaths are:

Hepatitis B

This is a serious infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus. Fortunately, it can be prevented with vaccine. At Healthneutron we want to create awareness through our Health talks and training programs and create more awareness around the vaccination.

HPV & Genital Herpes:

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one of the common Sexually Transmitted Disease. There is no cure for the virus. It is also the cause of Cervical Cancer. It can be prevented with vaccine. At Healthneutron we believe early vaccination of boys and girls can help prevent end stage conditions such as cervical cancer. We will therefore create awareness around the disease and encourage vaccination.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) damages the immune system and interferes with the body’s ability to fight diseases and infections. In 2011, worldwide 34 million people were living with HIV and 23.5million are in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2018, 470,000 people died from AIDS related illnesses. Even though there is no cure, early detection with proper case management can prevent HIV from leading to AIDS. At Healthneutron we would create awareness, screening and project lifestyle changes that can prevent the infection and spread of the disease. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine.

Focus Area

Non-Communicable Diseases

Also called chronic diseases, these are diseases conditions can’t be transmitted. Some examples are malaria, hypertension, diabetes, kidney, liver. female health, breast cancer, prostate cancer, mental health, etc.

Health & Safety

Also called chronic diseases, these are diseases conditions can’t be transmitted.

  • Motor accidents
  • Domestic accidents
  • HSE

Curative Care

We dedicate 20% of our effort to taking care of individuals who are sick. Such ones may need to use our services including taking regular lab test. Especially if such individuals are old or are less mobile, it becomes difficult for them or their loved ones to commute them to laboratory facilities just to pick samples. We want to be there for such ones and come to the comfort of their homes to pick samples and run the test on their behalf. The report will then be submitted to them securely.

All it takes is to call, text, WhatsApp or book from our booking portal and we will be there to take care of you.

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