Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Video Gallery

Healthneutron | No more Queue

Healthneutron | Diabetes

Healthneutron | Hypertension

Healthneutron | Kidney Failure

Healthneutron | Stress

Healthneutron | Kidney Function Test

Healthneutron | Healthy Man Package

Healthneutron | Hypertension Awareness

Healthneutron | What You Eat Matters

Healthneutron | Healthy Man Package

Healthneutron | Hypertension Awareness

Healthneutron | What You Eat Matters

Healthneutron | Breast Cancer Awareness

Healthneutron | Cervical Cancer Awareness

Healthneutron | Kidney Disease Facts

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Bringing Real Value To The Healthcare Industry

Bringing Real Value To The Healthcare Industry

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